CybFest NW 2024
Panel Descriptions
Transformers DnD |
12:15 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. | Green River Room |
- Host: Onyx, Killo-byte, Clickbait, and Hexamis
- Description: Ever wondered what a DnD adventure would be like but
with Transformers? How about an epic journey filled with comedy,
suspense, and dice rolls to remember? All that and more, get ready to
meet the cast of the Transformers DnD podcast called, "Transform & Roll
Swerve's Bar Podcast on YouTube
Swerve's Bar Podcast on Twitter
Sue Blu Q&A |
2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. | Green River Room |
- Host: Sue Blu
- Description: Sue Blu is a voice actress best known for her iconic role as Arcee in The Transformers: The Movie, continuing into Season 3 of The Transformers animated series where she also voiced human ally Marissa Faireborn. In Beast Wars: Transformers, she stepped behind the microphone and directed some of the most iconic performances of the entire Transformers franchise. She continued voice directing through Beast Machines, Transformers Animated (where she also reprised her role as Arcee), and even some of Transformers: Prime. Her voice and directing credits extend beyond Transformers to include many other classic and beloved animated series. Come and join us for this exciting Q&A panel about her amazing career.
Transformers One Presentation |
4:00 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. | Green River Room |
- Host: Allied Global Marketing
- Description: Check out a presentation on the newest Transformers
movie, Transformers One! Presented in conjunction with our
friends at Allied Global Marketing.
Allied Global Marketing
Transformers One Official Website
Organizers Roundtable |
4:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. | Green River Room |
- Host: CybFest NW organizing team
- Description: Join the organizers to discuss the past and future of CybFest NW, recent Transformers reveals, and pretty much whatever else comes to mind. We would love to hear your feedback!